We're only three weeks away from the end of data collection for the 3rd annual Wisdom of Crowds TM Business Intelligence Market Study.
Data collection will end on April 2, 2012 at 5PM ET. So, if you have not yet completed a survey, please click on this link now!
Here are some of the study demographics to date:
Geographies: To date, the study has the largest contribution from North America with 56% and EMEA contributing 26%. We are already seeing stronger participation from both Latin America and APAC this year.

Functions: As with last year, we see an almost even split between the IT and business functions. This balance will help us to compare and contrast attitudes and plans between the two groups:

Size of Company: So far this year we've had a groundswell of responses from smaller organizations, creating an interesting mix of small, medium and large companies.

As we get closer to the completion of data collection, we'll post additional updates to our progress.
Remember, qualified user participants receive a complimentary copy of the study findings!
Click here to complete the survey now!