I am pleased to announce that the 2011 Edition of the Wisdom of Crowds Business Intelligence Market Study (TM) Analysis and Findings Report has been officially released to enterprise licensees today, May 18th, 2011.
The in-depth report is the culmination of fours months of work - including data collection, synthesis, analysis and documentation.
Within its 85 pages are 60 charts and tables, plus analysis, commentary and insights into the ever-changing BI marketplace.
Included are core market research, market segment analysis, overall industry progress and individual vendor scores and rankings.
For those interested in our Wisdom of Crowds study and our other Business Intelligence research, we plan to launch a new, exclusive and user-only website this summer. Click here to add yourself to our interest list and we'll contact you with details shortly.
Here is the table of contents from the latest Wisdom of Crowds BI Market Study Findings. Click on each individual image to enlarge.

Hello again!
We're making great progress in analyzing data from our 2011 Edition of the Wisdom of Crowds BI Market Study (TM) and are on track for the release of findings, to enterprise licensees, in mid-May.
There will be a number of enhancements over last year and I wanted to let you know about an important one.
In the past we placed OpenSource BI vendors into existing market categories of "Established Pureplay" and "Emerging BI Vendors", based largely on size (revenues).
However, OpenSource BI vendors share common demographics, which are unique to them. As a result, for 2011, we'll break out OpenSource BI vendors into their own distinct category. This will better enable the direct comparison of these vendors - which we believe is both more useful and appropriate.
Stay Tuned!