Our Third Mobile Business Intelligence Study has been completed and was published on October 31st! For this edition we were able to leverage our 2010 Mobile BI data to create some compelling year-over-year comparisons and contrasts! We've also included a Mobile BI buyers guide with side-by-side profiles for twenty-four vendors, with their current Mobile BI capabilities and plans for the next two years!
For those that participated in the Mobile BI Study, you'll be receiving instructions soon for accessing your complimentary research findings. For all others, we have posted this study, along with the rest of our research on our member site (see below).
In January we'll "kick off" our third annual Wisdom of Crowds Business Intelligence Market Study ® research project, where you'll be able to rate your favorite (or not so favorite) Business Intelligence vendor! This year we're adding a 33rd measure: "Vendor Integrity"! Look for upcoming information regarding your participation. Remember, all qualified user participants receive a complimentary copy of the research findings!
Our member site, is six months old and membership continues to grow steadily. This site is designed for Business Intelligence professionals seeking resources to help achieve best practice BI. It's here that we host all of our research reports, buyer's guides, customer podcasts, interactive data applications, webinars, recorded seminars and weekly #BIWisdom TweetChats. And, we're adding new content all the time.
New research content this month includes our 3rd Mobile Business Intelligence Market Study Findings Report and a Special Report on Tableau Software. Additional upcoming Special Reports will include Actuate, Information Builders and Oracle.
Recent customer podcasts include : Bruce Yen of GUESS discussing "infrastructure" for Mobile BI and veteran BI expert Chuck Hooper (BIAlytics) with how to create killer KPIs.
Membership is just 199 dollars per month. Please visit the site for more details.
Weekly TweetChat
Each week I facilitate a weekly Twitter TweetChat focused on Business Intelligence. It takes place every Friday at 1:00 PM Eastern and covers a wide range of topics. Participants include users, IT professionals, practitioners, other industry analysts and even a few vendors.
Recent topics included: the future of Business Intelligence, Social BI and several HBS-style case studies. Our latest objective is to offer a "clinic" (of a sorts) for user organizations seeking to leverage the #BIWisdom expertise bank. Please let us know if you'd like to serve as the subject at one of these sessions.
An outgrowth of this forum has been my #FutureBI Working Group, comprised of 10 regular TweetChat participants, or "tribe members" as they like to call themselves. We have been meeting (virtually) for the past several weeks and are developing some scenarios to help anticipate and articulate the evolution of BI. More on this as we make progress.
I encourage you to participate - or at least listen in. The "hashtag" is #BIWisdom.
Press Coverage:
Over the course of the past month, we've received some great coverage in the trade press. Here are some of the articles:
Six Recommendations for Implementing Business Intelligence Solutions - December 5, 2011
Salesforce Makes Mobile Move - EnterpriseAppsToday - December 5, 2011
Survey spotlights mobile business intelligence as top priority - SearchBusinessAnalytics - December 2, 2011
Business Intelligence is Going Mobile - EnterpriseAppsToday - November 28, 2011
Mobile Business Intelligence Goes Mainstream - Datamation - November 16, 2011
Editor's Note: Endings, Beginnings and The Path Along the Way - Information Management - November 10, 2011
Snapshot on The Importance of Mobile BI - Information Management - November 10, 2011
Website Makeover
This past month we launched our new and improved website. This site serves as a resource for all things related to Dresner Advisory Services and me, Howard Dresner. In it you'll find recent articles, events where I'll be presenting, my Twitter feed, and other important links. Take a look and let us know what you think.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!
All the best,
