Monday, January 9, 2012

Listed Vendors for 2012 Wisdom of Crowds BI Market Study ®

Hello All!

Respondents to our Wisdom of Crowds Business Intelligence Market Study ® are able to report on any BI vendor they like. However, we provide a list of vendors that they can select from, as well as an "other" option.

Here's our current (updated) list of vendors for the upcoming study:

If there are additional vendors that you think we should add to our list, let us know!



Friday, January 6, 2012

Third Annual Wisdom of Crowds Business Intelligence Market Study ®

Hello Folks and Happy New Year!

A new year promises fresh beginnings and signals the advent of the next Wisdom of Crowds Business Intelligence Market Study ® cycle!

Having started in earnest in 2010, this will be our third comprehensive study of the BI marketplace - and our most ambitious to date!

We're in the process of developing and finalizing the survey instrument now and expect to start data collection within weeks.

Check back here often for updates to schedule and our progress.

All the best for a successful 2012!
