Friday, February 26, 2010

Week Three - Wisdom of Crowds BI Study Begins

As Week Three of The Wisdom of Crowds Business Intelligence Market Study begins, I want to thank everyone for their enthusiastic support. What started off as an experiment has grown into a full fledged movement!

The study has two weeks left to go and will remain open until March 15, 2010. So, now is a great time to get involved and make your voice heard!

If you are using a BI tool of any kind, click on the link below and complete the survey. If you have experience with more than one vendor/tool, complete the survey for each product/vendor combination. It only takes two minutes to rate your vendor and product. Valid participants will receive a complimentary analysis and report of the findings.



Study Demographics:

Here are some charts highlighting demographics of the study with the data collected so far. Please keep in mind that these numbers will change between now and March 15th, when the study concludes:

Industries Represented:

Organization size:

Functions Represented:

BI Vendors Represented:


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Top Ten Issues with BI Vendors/Products- Wisdom of Crowds BI Survey

The Wisdom of Crowds Business Intelligence Market Study is still well underway and will remain open until March 15, 2010. So, now is a great time to get involved and make your voice heard!

If you are using a BI tool of any kind, click on the link below and complete the survey. If you have experience with more than one vendor/tool, complete the survey for each product/vendor combination. It only takes two minutes to rate your vendor and product. Valid participants will receive a complimentary analysis and report of the findings.


The Top Ten:While much more data is needed (hint, hint), it's already possible to identify some general trends. So, I have come up with the "Top Ten" issues/concerns that organizations have with their Business Intelligence vendors and products.

Over the next week, I will release them - one at a time - starting this morning with Number 10 and working my way up to the biggest issue - Number 1:


Top Ten #10 - Experience level of the BI vendor's consulting group

Top Ten #9 - Ability to customize and extend product/technology

Top Ten #8 - Amount of time for Tech Support to resolve problems

Top Ten #7 - Continuity of Consulting Resources

Top Ten #6 - Sales Flexibility/Accommodation during acquisition process

Top Ten #5 - Upgrade/migration to new versions of product

Top Ten #4 - Contractual terms and conditions

Top Ten #3 - Understanding our business/needs

Top Ten #2 - Consulting value for price paid

Top Ten #1 - Integration with 3rd party technologies


Remember,this survey is not underwritten or sponsored by any vendors and none of your detailed data will be shared with the outside world. It was conceived as a means for providing an unbiased view of the market to those interested in selecting the best BI vendors and products and is entirely dependent upon people like you for input! So, please complete the survey today and be part of this important project!

More later!



Friday, February 19, 2010

Wisdom of Crowds BI Market Study - Week One

Hello Folks and thanks to those that have already made their voices heard by participating during the first week of the Wisdom of Crowds Business Intelligence Market Study!

But, we're only just getting started and your input is VITAL!!!

What You'll Receive for Participating: Participants will receive a complimentary copy of the findings for their own use in evaluating BI vendors and products.

Click Here To Participate in The Study

This is an Independent Study: This survey is not underwritten or sponsored by any vendors and none of your detailed data will be shared with the outside world. It was conceived as a means for providing an unbiased view of the market to those interested in selecting the best BI vendors and products.

More Input Needed: We've been pleased with the initial response and have assembled a few charts to share with you (below). However, we need much more data before we can consider this a reliable view of the market. So, please respond and also encourage others to do so.

Our Objective: The objective is to provide a fresh view into customers' experience with various Business Intelligence vendors and products. My goal is to collect input from as many organizations as possible before March 15, 2010.

Evaluation Criteria: Vendors and products will be evaluated using the following criteria:

1) Sales/acquisition process
2) Value for price paid
3) Quality and usefulness of product
4) Quality of technical support
5) Quality of consulting services

Once again, thanks for being a part of this import and independent market assessment!



Some Preliminary Findings from Week One:

Monday, February 15, 2010

Be Part of The "Wisdom of Crowds" Business Intelligence Survey!!

Having read some recent analysis of the BI market, I decided that it would be worthwhile to attempt a different kind of market study - one which is based on a large sample, using a fairly simple survey instrument.

As a result, I have launched the "Wisdom of Crowds" Business Intelligence Market Study.

What You'll Receive for Participating: Participants will receive a complimentary copy of the findings for their own use in evaluating BI vendors and products.

>> Click Here To Participate in The Study <<

This is an Independent Study: This survey is not underwritten or sponsored by any vendors and none of your detailed data will be shared with the outside world. It was conceived as a means for providing an unbiased view of the market to those interested in selecting the best BI vendors and products.

More Input Needed: We've been pleased with the initial response and have assembled a few charts to share with you (below). However, we need much more data before we can consider this a reliable view of the market. So, please respond and also encourage others to do so.

Our Objective: The objective is to provide a fresh view into customers' experience with various Business Intelligence vendors and products. My goal is to collect input from as many organizations as possible before March 15, 2010.

Evaluation Criteria: Vendors and products will be evaluated using the following criteria:

1) Sales/acquisition process
2) Value for price paid
3) Quality and usefulness of product
4) Quality of technical support
5) Quality of consulting services

Once again, thanks for being a part of this import and independent market assessment!

